Exporting Labor to Europe

Bangladesh is Desiring to Export Manpower to Europe

Because of tight regulations and restrictions, migrants find it difficult to remain in European countries. However, on February 2, 2022, Bangladesh and Greece signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) stating that 4,000 Bangladeshi workers will migrate to the European Union countries on a regular and orderly basis. Most employees are unable to stay until their work permits expire due to violations of working standards, which have generated a terrible image of Bangladesh.

Saudi Arabia, the Middle East's main traditional labor market, is now attempting to increase job opportunities for its own citizens. As a result, the demand for Bangladeshi workers has dropped dramatically. In these conditions, the newly emerging personnel market in Europe's Romania provided new hope for foreign-bound employees. Greece wishes to approve worker requests via an online submission form based on their specifications, making it easier to recruit. 

According to the Bangladeshi ambassador, Daud Ali, there are opportunities for the construction, service, and shipbuilding sectors, with average salaries of between 400 and 1,000 Euros per month. But some of the workers have violated the rules for which they were sent back to Bangladesh. Though Greece wishes to hire employees for a set period of time, when the work visa expires, they must return to their home country and may be given the opportunity again if necessary.

The Labor Force is currently trying to export labor to European countries including Greece, Lithuania, Albania, Romania, and Portugal. We have highly educated and seasoned human resource professionals who are confident in their talents. For the last 25 years, we have proudly exported our workers to the UAE, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf countries, and they have all worked without difficulty or complaint. They offer us favorable comments after returning from the destination nations about the service both from us and the destination countries. However, we are now attempting to provide skilled personnel to European nations alongside them.