Bangladeshi Female Workers

Footstep of Bangladeshi Female Workers In The International Labor Market

Footstep of Bangladeshi Female workers in the International Labor Market

Bangladeshi women first entered the international migrant labor force in 1991, and their numbers surged after 2004 when official restrictions on female migrants were relaxed (IOM, 2017). According to the BMET, there are presently over 10 million expatriates in 173 countries, with over 800,000 of them being female employees, but a majority of them are working under exploitative conditions. Many have returned empty-handed in this climate of economic uncertainty, psychological pain, and dread of sexual abuse. According to the Refugee and Migrant Movement Research Unit, women migrant workers contributed significantly to the remittance flow during the epidemic. Their privileges are ignored, despite their contribution to economic growth being remarkable.

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