Kitchen Workers

Many Bangladeshi Kitchen workers are working in UAE, KSA, Jordan, Brunei and Malaysia with good popularity.

To keep the body healthy, it’s vital to prepare reflections with retaining hygiene. This can be secured by the performance of a kitchen adjunct. With The Labor Force’s professed kitchen adjunct, you can be safe and enjoy a healthy life. Our Bangladeshi kitchen sidekicks are trained to work in homes, caffs, hospitals, and hospices, and they’re well-clued in food medication, cuisine, drawing, sanitizing, and storehouse, among other effects.


Kitchen Helpers

Vegetable Cutter

Our kitchen workers are well-informed and well-trained, and they’re habituated to food medication, sanitizing, and storing particulars in kitchens, caffs, and feeding associations. Recruiters from Bangladesh and overseas can conduct interviews with them through the backing of our professed, educated, and certified catering coaches. As an account, we were capable to dispatch them to Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates ( especially Dubai), Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf countries. We cleave to both local and foreign state morals and norms conducted by the International Labor Organization (ILO).

Our kitchen helpers specialized in the skills are:

Would you like to go to Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, or the Gulf countries but don’t have the advanced competence of a kitchen assistant? Enroll Now in our training course and fly to your desired state.

Bangladeshi companies can also train their unskilled and/or semi skilled Kitchen Worker under our training program. For Quick contact for international, local recruitment or training programs, please contact us through WhatsApp

To know about Kitchen Worker courses Click Here

To know about sample Job Description Click Here